Friday 25 May 2012

Aesthetic Apparatus

A trip to the Dutch Uncle private view last night as part of the finale of the Clerkenwell Design Week resulted in a purchase of one of Aesthetic Apparatus'  test screen print (1 of 1). Once I go fetch it back from the DU offices, I'll post a pic. Just 3 bottles of wheat beer was all it took to get me reaching for my wallet...

Wednesday 16 May 2012

David Tibet - Meltdown Festival 2012

Just back from France and was way slow off the mark in buying tickets for this year's Meltdown at The Southbank this year curated by Antony Hegarty (Antony and the Johnsons). And after hitting the payment button, I have just realised I've bought two tickets which entitles me and guest pride of place to more or less sit behind the mixing desk (ie 'slightly obscured views' guaranteed) on the evening of Sat August 4th to see Cyclobe, Myrninerest and short films by Derek Jarman. In fact, if my memory serves me well, these are the exact same seats I had when I saw Psychic TV play here some years back. Myrninerest is the new project from David Tibet (Current 93) and, with composer James Blackshaw, will premiere  on this night the debut album 'Jhonn, Uttered Babylon' which is a work about the life and death of Coil's Jhonn Balance. The 4 rarely screened Super 8 films by Jarman will have soundtracks especially written for the evening by both Myrninerest and Cyclobe.