Antonio, who worked at Penguin Books a few years back, told me stories about the Neo-Edwardian, Neil Munroe Roger, aka 'Bunny Roger' as he had met him on a few occasions. An article on Bunny is in the October edition of Elle Decoration and further reading can be found on Mr Peacock's blog dated 8th June. It was said that he had gone into battle 'wearing a chiffon scarf and clutching a copy of Vogue'. Talking of peacocks; I attended a mod club in the old banking district of EC3 the other weekend, the venue was full, the vibe was friendly, relaxed and easy going but on the packed dance floor one couldn't help but notice the slick suited sirs checking their appearance in the mirrors, frequent adjusting of the cufflinks, ensuring the 3 pronged handkerchief in the top pocket hadn't worked itself out of place and keeping that' just so' haircut in check after a dance to a Trojan or Northern Soul classic tune.
Just heard on Radio 4 the sad announcement - RIP: Tony Curtis.